Saturday afternoon, at 2pm woke up to an whatsapp from ML with this.. ..
Now, I'm munching on my "Hiong piah" as I'm typing this entry. Finished season 3 of TVD and season 5 of The Big Bang Theory while eating mee siam, chicken herbal soup, lon tong, fried popcorn chicken and fried chicken.
Earlier yesterday I met up with XL and Shao Tang and Han Wee. Had Din Tai Fung yet again.
Chilli crab pork bao. YUMS |
Had my favourite Tau Sar Bao AGAIN! |
XL who had just returned from a Japan flight bought back TOKYO BANANA!! BAAA BAAA BAAA..
IT'S SO GOOD! I LOVE IT! Look at the filling threatening to spill out. Mmmmmmm
Iggie's 22nd party at MBS! Last night was a bang. Too long of not touching alcohol made me falls to it clutches soon enough. Challenge failed. Sigh.. Did not managed to make my way to meet my uni peeps, because I fell asleep promptly after the last drink I took. So guilty over it because we planned it a month ago, and they even walked to MBS. Oh god :( Not even ASWB sitting on my legs woke me up, even though I FELT the pain. I just couldn't wake up. But nonetheless, the party was good.
After which I got drunk, still photos was still being taken..
It was an awesome Friday night with good food, pretty company and alcohol party. ASIAN FLUSH MAXIMUM. Reddest in the room.
Ok.. Now, I'm gonna start on my new serials. My sis told me that Secret Circle is good. I'm just hoping there's eye candies. On a sidenote, after I woke up from my alcohol sleep, I was craving for Maggi mee damn bad. Tonight I'm gonna cook it. NEED IT.