Tuesday, January 26, 2010



Gives me hope :)


"I was wearing a short sleeved shirt for the first time in years. I was nervous that when my boyfriend saw my scars he wouldn't want to be with me anymore, instead he kissed my scars, and told me that if I ever felt bad enough to hurt myself again, that he would take the pain instead. He GMH "

"My grandma is sick and can't control her body. While mentally alert, she is often treated like a child. My grandpa and I were running to the grocery store when suddenly he turned around and drove all the way back home. When I asked him why he said "I forgot to Kiss your grandma goodbye" GMH

"There's a friendly homeless man who always rides the same subway, selling trinkets for 25 cents each, usually to to buy food. Today, instead of collecting the money for himself, he was sending his proceeds to help the victims in Haiti. A man with barely anything selflessly helping those in need GMH. "

"On Christmas eve, my father attempted suicide. I immediately flew across the country to be with my family for a week and a half. I work an hourly job with no vacation and was worried about money. When I got back, I found that not only was I not fired, but my boss paid me for every day that I was gone. My boss GMH"

"Five years ago I was raped and left for dead in the woods. A morning jogger found me and carried me to the local hospital. The stranger stayed by my side knowing I was an emancipated minor. He took care of me and the child. Two years later, we sit here at home with our baby girl. My husband GMH. "

"Yesterday, forced to go to my high school reunion, I found out that the most popular girl named her critically ill daughter after me. She said that she wanted to name her after someone strong and everyone thought of me. I was the scrawny, shy nerd who was bullied all the time. Her tiny baby GMH. "

"Last year, a local boat carrying various aged passengers home, flipped during a storm. There was a teenaged boy and a baby aboard. Though the teenaged boy couldn't swim, he placed the baby on the last floating device--a cushion. The teenaged boy drowned. He was a basketball player and a senior in highschool. Your selflessness GMH. RIP Rishard. "

"My 7 year old brother is autistic and has a very hard time with fine motor skills so he was held back. But one day over the weekend he sat at the table for two hours trying to string beads into a bracelet all by himself. The reason? He loves a little girl in his class named Cindy because she plays with him. His love and her kindness GMH "

"Today, I took one of the children I work with to have to McDonalds. The child is 7 years old, autistic, has fetal alcohol syndrome and lives in a shelter with his grandmother. Aware he was hungry, I asked him why he hadn't eaten his food and he smiled and answered"I want to take it home to share it with my grandma." GMH "

It's touching, its inspiring, it gave me hope!


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